Reasons why Ruth Lorenzo should return to Eurovision

The most Eurovision fans are clear that if someone should return to Eurovision representing Spain, with the permission of the Azúcar Moreno, that is Ruth Lorenzo. Something that of course makes the artist very happy and would not mind repeating the experience, albeit with some conditions. The Murcian wanted to thank all her followers for the unconditional support that they do not stop showing her.

“If they ask me, of course I’ll go, but without pre-selection. I want to go back breaking all the schemes” this is how the singer responded to Lecturas magazine when asked about the hastag #RuthLorenzoAEurovision that became a Trending Topic on October 11. Triumphing with the reissue of her album De ella Planeta Azul and with a very tight schedule with her tour of Spain, the contestant on Tu cara me suena promises to give a lot to talk about.

Eurovision: 4 Reasons why Ruth Lorenzo should repeat

  1. The Murcian returned us to the top ten, positions that already seemed forgotten for our country that had not been very good in recent years. Ruth Lorenzo tied for ninth position with Denmark but, due to the rules of the competition, Spain remained in tenth position.
  2. Her passage through the English edition of Factor X gave her recognition among fans from half the world that came to us and would come in handy. The artist is already known worldwide and her charisma and personality attract, at times, new stalwarts.
  3. His chameleonic and versatile personality. The same imitates you to Freddie Mercury than to Sia herself. His great torrent of voice allows him to put on quite a show wherever he goes.
  4. His knowledge and experience in Eurovision could help him when drawing up a new strategy to be crowned this time in the music festival of the year.

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