6 flamenco Christmas carols: rumbas with joy and feeling

There are Christmas musical classics that never go out of style and we listen to them year after year as if it were the first time. That moment when we decided to press play on all those Christmas carol titles that we know by heart. And it is that that soundtrack on such endearing dates can never be missing. However, it is not bad to expand the repertoire and include different Christmas carols in our list, to expand the variety.

We can listen in English, in Spanish, faster, slower, timeless classics, sung by children, with or without lyrics… Come on, not a year goes by without listening to ‘Arre Borriquito’, ‘Los peces en el río’ or, of course, Mariah Carey’s great song ‘All I want for Christmas is you’.

But in this article we suggest you change your mind a bit and add these 6 flamenco Christmas carols to your list. Not only so that you want to sing with your heart, but also so that you are encouraged to move your feet and clap your hands, without losing the essence of these songs. Here are the best rumbas with joy and feeling!

6 flamenco Christmas carols to listen to at Christmas

  1. It’s Christmas – Royal Stripe

If you are addicted to flamenco songs, we do not doubt for a second that you will meet Raya Real. Her sevillanas and rumbas have been sung and danced throughout the country and, once again, they show us with this song that music is felt and contagious. In this case, in the form of a Christmas carol. A mix of nostalgia, magic and art that will not leave you indifferent.

  1. Merry Christmas – Royal Stripe

You have been able to listen to this song in a thousand different ways. It’s the usual classic Christmas carol but this one we’re proposing, sung by Raya Real, is sung with a flamenco touch that will make you tap your heels if it appears on your playlist. Be careful, because if you are looking to add color to your list of Christmas carols, this cannot be missing, even if you have it in its most classic version and in English.

  1. Way of Bethlehem – Nina Pastori

A perfect song if the goal is to hear something different. It is not a letter that you have heard many times but, at the same time, it is endearing and full of love: “the old man was an angel who came down from heaven to distinguish between good and bad. And God, who saw everything, cried with joy. Christmas is a night of light and happiness.”

  1. Flamenco Christmas carol – India Martinez

India Martinez is one of those singers who is all heart and feeling. No matter what she sings, she is capable of making your hair stand on end and hers ‘Villancico flamenco’ was not going to be any other way. With just a guitar as an accompaniment and her voice, from deep inside the result is a marvelous flamenco carol.

  1. The marimorena – Los Chunguitos

Los Chunguitos have covered several songs and have made them so much their own that the style is unmistakable. In this case, if there is a Christmas carol that is sung every year to a greater or lesser extent, in all homes it is ‘La Marimorena’ and the version by Juan and José Salazar is not to be missed!

  1. It was in Bethlehem – Always like this

Another of the classic groups in sevillanas and flamenco is, without a doubt, Siempre Así. More than 30 years ago this group began their musical path and along the way they have left us unparalleled songs. For this reason, his Christmas contribution could not be missing. In this case, ‘Fue a Belén’, although they also have other flamenco collaborations such as ‘Si el niño habia nacido’ with Alejandro Vega.

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