Machismo in music: 12 macho phrases from songs

You have sung them, you have danced them, you have hummed them. It is possible that even more than once you have climbed on the stage of a karaoke and you have sung them with the best of your voices. However, surely you have never stopped to think about the macho message behind it. Machismo is deeply embedded in all layers of society, so much so that sometimes we even tend to normalize it and are unaware of its presence.

Some of the lyrics to these songs were written a long time ago, at a time when the role of women in society was completely different, and their authors may now regret doing so. However, what is most worrying is that many of these ‘hits’ are merely topical and sound at full volume in discos and radios. Here are the 12 most macho phrases in songs, what do you think about it?

Macho phrases of songs

  1. “You are mine” – Romeo Santos

In the extremely aberrational lyrics of this song we have to listen to pearls like: “Don’t be surprised if one night I enter your room and make you mine again. You know my mistakes well, the selfishness of owning your life. You are mine, mine, mine… Don’t play crazy, you already knew that very well. If you get married on your wedding day, I tell your husband with laughter that only the woman he loves is borrowed because she is still mine.

How long are we going to have to put up with the fact that some men continue to have the bloody habit of thinking that women are simple “objects” that they can “possess” at will?

  1. “Four babies” – Maluma

Maluma’s songs are usually full of macho messages, but this one in particular takes the cake. These are some of her most denigrating phrases of hers for women: “I don’t know what to do anymore, I don’t know which one to stay with, they all know how to mistreat me in bed… They have me well, they have me well with sex. I am in love with four babies, they always give me what I want, they fuck when I tell them, no one gives me buts…”

  1. “I used to love her” – Guns N’ Roses 

The lyrics of this great hit say: “I loved her, but I had to kill her, I had to put her six feet under the ground and I can still hear her complain.”

It is true that at a time when the victims of sexist violence are growing every year and the murders of women at the hands of their husbands are the order of the day, phrases like these coming from globally influential groups such as Guns N’ Roses affect us. much more, but still we believe that they should never have been written.

  1. “Hey Mama” – David Guetta ft. nicki minaj

This single was quite controversial when it was released due to certain phrases that Nicki Minaj raps like: “Yes, I make the food. Yes, I take care of the cleaning (…) Yes, you are the boss and I respect you”. We find it incredible that in the 21st century this role of women continues to be promoted, but it seems even more incredible that it is a woman who sings it…

  1. “Animals” – Maroon 5

“Baby, I’m going to stalk you tonight. I’m going to hunt you down, eat you alive, just like the animals. Maybe you think you can hide, I can smell your scent for miles like animals do. This is what Adam Levine sings on this song. He is going to hunt her down, he is going to devour her no matter where she hides and what is even more serious: without her consent.

  1. God Made Girls – Rae Lynn

Once again we have to hear macho phrases put into the mouth of a woman: ” Someone has to wear a pink skirt, someone has to flirt, someone wants him to hold their hand, that’s why God made girls.” According to RaeLynn, these are the only purposes for which women are in the world. Will she really think so?

  1. “All” – Malú

“Everything, from top to bottom, everything, everything and yours, everything, even if my life is in danger … Yours everything, decent and suddenly, everything, desperately, everything, do everything you dream of with me.” Basically what this song transmits to us is that it doesn’t matter if they mistreat us, we belong completely to men, we are “theirs”.

  1. “And?” -Axel ft. Vanessa Martin

There is no better song than this one that represents toxic relationships and the unhealthy dependence of some women on their partners: “So what? If loving, you cost me my life… So what? If even though I always think about you, you forget… So what? If waiting I run out of days… If testing, you are a suicidal act… So what? And?”

  1. “Yes, yes” – The Ronaldos

“I would have to kiss you, undress you, hit you and then rape you until you say yes.” Coque Malla recounts how she is going to physically and sexually assault a woman to transform her “NO” into a “yes”. Although it was a long time ago, but what was she thinking of to write such a letter?

  1. “If you go” – Shakira 

Very typical of women: attacking each other. Shakira’s boyfriend has left her for someone else, but instead of turning green on him, she pours out all her fury against her new conquest. “All new broom always sweeps clean. Then you will see worn bristles. When wrinkles cut her skin and cellulite invades her legs, you will return from your hell with your tail between your horns, imploring once more.

  1. “Without you I am nothing” – Amaral

“My soul, my body, my voice is of no use… Because I am nothing without you,” recites Amaral.

Until when are we going to see song lyrics that praise that unhealthy romantic love?

  1. “Every breath you take”- The Police 

This is one of the most iconic songs in the history of The Police group and its lyrics read like this: “Every breath you take, every move you make, every tether you break, every step you take, I’ll be watching you. Each and every day and every word you say, every game you play, every night you stay, I’ll be watching you. Oh, can’t you see that you belong to me? A very macho and possessive phrase, don’t you think?

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