Zayn Malik from One Direction strips naked and messes it up with his tattoos

Zayn Malik has once again revolutionized the networks with a shirtless photo. The One Direction singer reveals all his tattoos, but his girlfriend Perrie Edwards ‘s is barely visible. Has it been deleted?

It has been on the Facebook account called Zayn Malik. where the supposed photo of the naked torso of the brunette from 1D has appeared. The veracity of the photo is not fully proven, but the tattoos seem to confirm that it is the real Zayn.

His right arm is completely covered in ink and his girlfriend Perrie’s tattoo is barely visible. There are many who think that he wanted to hide it to make it clear that they are not at their best as a couple: “Where is Perrie’s tattoo?” Asks a follower, “She no longer has it. According to what people say, they have left, “answers another. But the most common opinions are that he is not the real Zayn Malik and that he has filled in the rest of his arm without covering up the tattoo of his girlfriend.

The boys of One Direction, in love with tattoos

  • If almost all the boys in the band boy have something in common, it’s tattoos. All of them, with the exception of Niall Horan, have as one of their hobbies getting a tattoo from time to time.
  • Zayn Malik ‘s body is undoubtedly the most tattooed with a multitude of symbols and words that represent great sentimental value for him.
  • Harry Styles is not far behind when it comes to tattoos either. From a star to a birdcage can be found on Harry’s body.
  • Louis Tomlinson has around 20 tattoos. Some more worked and others that are just tiny drawings.
  • Liam Payne is also tattooed, but much less than his other 3 companions. Liam prefers phrases and words with meaning to the little elaborate drawings that other members wear.

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