The best feminist music videos: by and for women

Women’s rights are still far from all we would like them to be, but fortunately we have made great strides. This is also reflected in cinema or music, as we can see in some of the best feminist video clips, made by and for women.

‘Independent Women’ by Destiny’s Child

In the year 2000, the famous band of Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams released one of their greatest hits, ‘Independent Woman’. In addition to paying homage to Charlie’s Angels, the song is a declaration of intent about the limits that we must set with men in our relationships.

‘Respect’ by Aretha Franklin

The sixties were a revolution in the US for women’s rights, and even more so in the case of women of color. Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’ deserves a very special place of honor, because demanding respect is the first step towards equality.

‘So What’ by Pink

Do you think you have lost the man of your life and that since you broke up nothing makes sense? A bit of hardcore music and the acid lyrics of Pink’s ‘So What’ will change your mind. A song to remind us that we don’t need men to be happy, no matter how much we enjoy their company.

‘Neither roses nor toys’ by Paulina Rubio

Another declaration of intent from the hand of Paulina Rubio, which can be ideal to break up with your boyfriend if you think he doesn’t deserve you, or to send him a little message, to see if he regrets what he has let slip. And it is that Paulina is a lot of woman, as she herself says.

‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ by Cyndi Lauper

Girls Just Want to Have Fun, or ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’ as Cyndi Lauper says. A cry for independence and a declaration of intent on the right to make our own decisions. Never forget that you have the right to have fun, the lyrics of the song remind you.

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