Shakira, a perfume and baby factory

The gorgeous Shakira, pregnant with her second child, launches a new perfume. After taking S by Shakira and Elixir by storm, Rock by Shakira arrives.

Shakira is the happiest. Her second pregnancy has filled her home with joy, and it is that both she and Piqué cannot wait to see the face of her baby. The arrival of this second child for the couple is scheduled for January 2015, just coinciding with Milan ‘s second birthday. This little boy has become the smile of the Colombian and the soccer player who do not rule out continuing to increase the family.

  • But not only the family occupies Shakira’s life, she does not leave behind her professional commitments and has not hesitated to attend the presentation of her Rock by Shakira fragrance. There, the singer has not hesitated to show how excited she is about this second pregnancy.
  • You are a mother, now you repeat, what has motherhood meant in your life?
  • Many changes, motherhood means many changes, and a world of discovering things about yourself, not only about the new task of being a mother but also about the type of person you are. It is a constant mirror. Your children reveal to yourself who you are, who you have become, and who you want to be, through the way you try to raise and care for them. You learn a lot in this process, it has been very nice, and Milan has been a great teacher.
  • Are children, motherhood your source of inspiration?
  • Yes, it inspires you to many other things. It is a universe that opens up with so many possibilities that did not exist before. I no longer remember what my life was like before Milan because now everything revolves around him, although of course I still have my job and my passion for music and many of my priorities, but he has become the absolute center of my life. universe and my priority together with Gerard, my family.
  • Tours, presentations, teaching Milan to read, how do you reconcile your work life with your personal life?
  • In the same way that all women on the planet do. We are jugglers and we achieve things that I think men would not achieve, it is not to be a feminist but it is true. We have that ability to attend to so many fronts at the same time, being mothers, professionals, a partner, a friend, in short, having our personal projects is not easy, but we did it.
  • Do you receive help from Piqué?
  • Yes, yes, I get a lot of help. The father is very involved with his son, he is always very supportive of him and that is a great advantage because I can’t imagine it any other way, right?

Shakira, great in her second pregnancy

  • How are you living this second pregnancy?
  • Good, very good, I am lucky to have good pregnancies
  • Now with the pregnancy, are you going to take a break?
  • Yes, now that I’m pregnant I’m trying for the first time in my life not to do many things at once, although it’s always difficult and things get mixed up even if you don’t want to, but most of the time I’m dedicated to taking care of myself. tummy, from my pregnancy, from Milan, and already next year, I think that after the baby is born, I will start producing a new album, an album in Spanish, which is what makes me most excited at this moment.
  • Your mother recently commented that you were expecting a boy:
  • It got out, it got away from my mom.
  • Are you considering any names?
  • We don’t have a name yet.
  • You are pregnant with the second but you said you wanted to form a soccer team:
  • One thing is what one wants and another is what can be done (laughs). I would have 20 children with Gerard (laughs), but I don’t think I’d be allowed such a luxury. For now, we go for the second, to see what happens. Let’s see if the girl comes one day, let’s see!
  • And Milan, how do you experience the arrival of a new little brother?
  • Well, you know what’s going on I think you have some kind of understanding of the situation, I don’t think it’s too deep for your age but yes, so far so good, we’ll see how we can handle it when the new baby is born.

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