Dani Martín follows Melendi and explodes against journalists

As Melendi did, Dani Martín has responded to the latest news published by the press about his private life.

In a message on Twitter without a clear recipient, the singer attacks those who associate him with Lucia, a 20-year-old girl who supposedly has been in a relationship with him for a few days:

“People who tell lies, those who tell them frequently, are described as liars. Lying; is intentional and conscious deception. If the lie is carried out with publicity, then it is also a scoundrel.”

OtrolíodeMelendi, the original Melendi protest

  • Melendi wanted to dedicate a song called ‘ #OtroLíoDeMelendi’ to all those media that published information released by Europa Press in which the singer was pointed out as the victim of a chase by three vehicles on the A-1.
  • Surprised by the content of the news and by some headlines from other media, Melendi did not hesitate to express his opinion on Facebook about everything published:
  • “Surprised by the scope of the news, well, not surprised, overwhelmed, almost nothing surprises one anymore. Overwhelmed that a fact that I did not give importance to, nor have I wanted to denounce, comes to light, because of how the press handles confidential information at will, totally neglecting the person attacked and their privacy as well as their rights.
  • Also impacted by how without any tiThe Europa Press journalist sentenced the note saying that this information comes directly from police sources incriminating state forces in a serious crime, but not happy with their actions, they also bring to light a complaint that I filed against a stalker. on social networks at the Tetuán police station last July, something that is already being investigated and that comes from a person who has done it before with other artists, (I’m telling you because this eluded the journalist).
  •  What did not escape him is to emphasize in said note that this information is also revealed by police sources, accusing them of another, more serious crime, if possible. Melendi’s latest mess “trying to give it a crime novel look to make me look like the gangster who remains in the retina of some ignorant. “

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