Zayn Malik’s new look falls in love with One Direction fans

Zayn Malik, one of the most handsome boys in One Direction, has shared his new look on Instagram and, for now, he only receives compliments and compliments.

Although it cannot be easily seen by the filter that the singer has put on, his hair is much longer than usual. A new look that, far from displeasing Zayn’s fans, they loved it.

“You are perfect”, “I love you”, “Absolute perfection” or “You are incredibly handsome”, are some of the comments that the photo has on Instagram.

Liam Payne and Niall Horan mess it up on Twitter

  • Niall Horan and Liam Payne have gotten into quite the trouble on Twitter. The   One Direction singers have been heavily criticized for two unfortunate tweets.
  • After revolutionizing the social network with a photo of himself allegedly naked or after appearing with an arm in a cast, Liam Payne unleashed the wrath of 1D haters by writing: “I miss Las Vegas… Bellagio please give me my money back. I have to pay for my studies.”
  • There are those who have not taken the singer’s tweet very well because they consider it disrespectful that someone who has plenty of money joked about a subject as serious as the impossibility of paying for studies due to lack of money.
  • For his part, one of Niall’s best-known hobbies, soccer, has gotten him into a lot of trouble. Last Sunday, Manchester United lost 5-3 in a game that they were winning 1-3, so the blond from One Direction did not hesitate to write: “It’s so beautiful to see Manchester United lose! Just to see the arrogance of their fans silenced! “.
  • Obviously, Niall did not stop to worry that he will surely have thousands of fans who are ‘devils’ and who will not have felt anything good when reading the singer’s words. We’ll see if he ends up apologizing or remains firm in his thoughts.

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